
  1. Generate your Personal Access Token
    1. Go to your Supabase dashboard’s Access Tokens page.
    2. Click on “Generate New Token” and copy the newly generated token somewhere safe.
  2. Configuration
    1. Go to integrations catalog in your envsecrets dashboard and choose “Supabase.”
    2. On the setup/connection page, enter your Supabase personal access token you created above and save the configuration.


  1. Go to the integrations dashboard in your envsecrets organisation and under “Supabase” choose “Sync New Environment With Your Supabase Account.”
  2. In the page that opens, select your envsecrets project, environment and your Supabase organisation and project where you wish to sync your secrets.
  3. Complete and save the form.



  1. Navigate to the environment for which you activated the integration.
  2. Click on the “Sync” button.
  3. Choose the Supabase project to which you want to sync your secrets.
  4. Approve the sync.


  1. Use the command: envs sync --env [name-of-your-remote-environment]
  2. Choose the Supabase integration.

Once your secrets are synced, it is recommended you go to your Supabase project and validate the new values.