Circle CI
How to continuously sync your secrets with Circle CI.
- Generate your Personal Access Token
- Go to your Circle CI user settings and choose “Personal API Tokens.”
- Click on “Create New Token” and copy the newly generated token somewhere safe.
- Configuration
- Go to integrations catalog in your envsecrets dashboard and choose “Circle CI.”
- On the setup/connection page, enter your Circle CI personal access token you created above and save the configuration.
- Go to the integrations dashboard in your envsecrets organisation and under “Circle CI” choose “Sync New Environment With Your Circle CI Account.”
- In the page that opens, select your envsecrets project, environment and your Circle CI organisation and project where you wish to push/sync your secrets.
- Complete and save the form.
- Navigate to the environment for which you activated the integration.
- Click on the “Sync” button.
- Choose the Circle CI project to which you want to sync your secrets.
- Approve the sync.
- Use the command:
envs sync --env [name-of-your-remote-environment]
- Choose the Circle CI integration.
Once your secrets are synced, it is recommended you go to your Circle CI project and validate the new values.